We did figure it out, and we'll get there, but I want to do a little bit of work first.
And you've asked several people on the street . "I just can't get there! I don't know where I'm going!" and
We'll come back to that in a second, but let me make a different remark before we get there.
I get there, by the end of it I'm like "that's what I really need right now."
We are going to see in a moment how important that is, or in a few lectures, how important that idea is for the Deuteronomistic historian in general. But we will get there.
But notice how long it took us to get there, how many centuries it took.
This depends on the path. It tells you right here the path is constant pressure. These don't depend on the path, right. V doesn't care how you v get there. u doesn't care how you get there.
You could use a calculator or any number of other tools but we'll get there.
I want to get there by wave mechanics to arrive at the same place.
And Catherine the Great-- they all like to call themselves "The Great"-- She would make this an important part of her policy, but she doesn't get there either.
In the famous battle of Marathon, which I will tell you about when we get there, one of its features is that because the Greeks were numerically badly inferior to the Persians, they had this problem of covering the line.
.. In 1799, it would cost so much to mail a letter-- I don't know exactly, something like $10 or $20 to mail a letter at today's rate-- and it would take a long time get there.
So I have n operations log n times, n log n there we go, n log n. Took us a long time to get there, but it's a nice algorithm to have.
So instead you'd have to maybe if you start with wavelength, go over there, and then figure out velocity and do something more like kinetic energy equals 1/2 n b squared to get there.
Yeah, it's great. That's just part of the whole warm feeling that I get there.
However they get there, if they get to the right answer, people respect them.