Once again, there is that moment of suspense that the reader is able to get through with a kind of pleasurable excitement and then overcome as the moral is actually revealed.
I'll say a little bit about that, when I get through with phalanx.
Again, pset one will walk you through this and you'll get familiar with this stuff, even though it looks a little arcane at first glance.
You could run through a little loop to say keep trying until you get one. But one of the ways I could deal with it is what's shown here.
If you were to defend the easy pass and he goes through the easy pass, he will get into your country with one battalion and that's the same as he would have got if he went through the hard pass.
You want to get through that as fast as you can, and engage with the enemy.
It takes an int; deal with it when you get to it and then once you look through the whole file, should you find -- ultimately find the actual code that defines or impliments this thing.