• We want to be more--a bit more sophisticated than that, if you will, and use other terms, so we'll talk generally about Beethoven's composition or Beethoven's piece or Beethoven's work or his master work or chef d'oeuvre or however fancy you want to get with it.


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  • With, when you get a touchdown which is what it's called, when you score, it's six points


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  • It's impossible to get away with such an awkward reading, but that's the reading that the metrical form is pushing us into producing.


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  • Now I suppose it's my reluctance to get into the intricacies of questions having to do with applied theory that makes me prefer to keep it simple.


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  • He had a tube with electrodes potted in it filled with atomic hydrogen. And by applying a voltage, he was able to get the gas to glow.


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  • What's particularly interesting is you get this effect easily with undergraduates but you also get it with four-year-olds and with monkeys.


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  • It's a simple problem, but I just want to do it so you get used to working with vectors.


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  • If we weren't so pressed for time, I kinda wanna see how long we could get away with this before it gets awkward, but that, in fact, is an infinite loop t hat's hopefully deliberate.


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  • As long as you're dealing with state functions it doesn't matter to get at the same results here.


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  • So in the time of declining resources, we might look what we were doing with what we get in return for it.


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  • Once again, i won't get into all the details of this, but it ended up with a run on the Argentine banks.


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  • He only has two to start with and for you, it's how many battalions of his get destroyed?


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  • What we're trying to get at here is--it can be very elusive, but I imagine most of you are familiar with it.


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  • So, that's the difference in thinking about different types of ionization energy, so it can get a little bit confusing with terminology if you're just looking at something quickly, so make sure you look really carefully about what we're discussing here.


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  • But what we have to remember is he can't give orders to anybody typically, although Agamemnon can get away with it on this expedition.


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  • The AMT is getting extended year by year anyway so why not just deal with that one time and get it off the books.


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