Now we want to show a notation, how do we go from one equilibrium state like this describes to another equilibrium state?
It's not like you're going to show up. It's not like you go to a bar and you're like,
I love this because I would go around to all these angel investors 0 and VCs and charge them $5 or $50 to show them my new idea.
And the experiment was supposed to go on for two weeks to show what entering a role does.
To start out I'm going to go back to the thinking about development a little bit, embryonic development, and show you a picture here.
I can get this to show us how far up we are supposed to go, by placing it on some kind of grid here," and this is this--as I said before, the beginning of the first graph in the history of the West.
But if you have the first edition of the text, 02 go to Fall Term '02 and it will show you the earlier translations.
If you are not fixed on seeing one particular show, if you go to Leicester Square,
Everytime I've gone to go see a show, except for maybe once or twice,
Now before you guys go, there's one more thing I wanted to mention, and then I'll show today's comedy clip which is a good one by the way-- they're all good, but this one's especially good.
I just wanted to show you this last graph, or this last set of statistics to go from causes of death in the U. S.
OK. In particular, let's go over to here, and let me show you a second example.