Yeah, I agree. She's really classy. And she has really good sense of fashion.
For injustice is most dangerous when it is armed and man armed by nature with good sense and virtue may use them for entirely opposite ends.
And my bet is when they chose the stickers they had a pretty good sense of why, of which ones the boys would prefer in those studies.
but they had a good sense of humor about themselves,
So perhaps in the relevant sense, the person can still engage in P-functioning, so they're not dead. Good enough.
A product like Windows is in a sense only as good as it's last release or two.
That's what the serpent omitted in his speech. He said If you eat of that fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, It's true in one sense but it's false in another.
So in a sense, that's a good infinite loop that is as long as you're using the program, it's constantly checking your grammar and spelling, and underlining things, so infinite loops aren't necessarily bad if the objective is actually being met.
It makes sense. If this is metallic, it is a good electron donor.
A sequence of chords that sound good together, kind of make sense together; we could say that sort of march along in a purposeful fashion.
Controversial in the sense that maybe it's not a good thing to do, or there might be some limits on what we want to do there in terms of integrating machines with people's brains.
Good-- in the deep sense,good.
There seems to be something to that and yet Hobbes certainly regards life as a precious good, perhaps the most precious good of all, and he writes with a lively sense of how fragile and endangered life is.
A lot of fun, good action, good action. It's got a really fun sense of humor.
So it was good in some sense
Of course, as you have guessed, the good reader is the one who has imagination, memory, a dictionary and some artistic sense, which sense I propose to develop in myself and others whenever I have the chance.
If something is good just because it is pleasurable, what does it matter whether you have sort of an abstract idea of whether it is good by someone else's sense or not?
First of all, most people believe that their cholesterol level in their body is determined by how much cholesterol they actually consume, so foods high in cholesterol would be bad in that sense and foods low in cholesterol would be good.
But then because children, according to Freud, don't have a good sense of the boundary between their mind and the world, they think their father can tell that they're plotting to kill him and they figure their father is now angry at them.
It's dark. The other, dark, in the sense of gloomy, not good, bad; this is a hard time, a poor time, a wretched time, a miserable time.
And what struck me most about conversations that I had, either in Leverett or other houses, were students is their sense of mission,your sense of mission, your desire to do good, to make the world a better place.
So it makes sense. That is good.
.. So that death-- they're optimists in this strange sense, if they think life would've been good, which means of course that that we die is bad for us.