Socrates remarks that the Thracians, the display of the Thracians, put on a good show, showing that his own perspective is not simply bound by that of a city.
So I thought it was a very good place to see a show, you know,
Who thinks it's more stable, show of hands? All right, who thinks it's less stable? Very good.
He did a good job in preparing the initial studies to show that it was safe.
Let's look at the show of hands? All right so this is the majority here. Good thing physics doesn't work on the rule of the majority otherwise we'd be in big trouble.
Now before you guys go, there's one more thing I wanted to mention, and then I'll show today's comedy clip which is a good one by the way-- they're all good, but this one's especially good.
So it's good to show what you're thinking and how you're feeling by using "I feel like",
所以,用 “I feel like” 来描述你的想法与感受是非常好的用法。