It probably teaches each of them a good deal to be able to accommodate, to encounter, to get used to the ironies of the other, and I think this applies to conversation in general.
or any of the countries that used to be in the empire for exceedingly good charity work
Used French only when she was a very good little girl. " Okay, Entendu. Now hop, hop, hop, Lenore, or you'll get soaked."
And so, by and large, until this freon was invented by Midgley, there wasn't a good gas that had the right properties to be used for a refrigerant.
A good example--we used it a moment ago-- of a disjunct melody is-- Can we all sing that?
I like" is a pattern that's used when you feel good about something, when you want more of it.
当你对某物颇有好感而希望能获得更多时,你可以使用 “I like”句型。
I think you'll find "I used to" to be a very good pattern for describing
你会发现,“I used to” 句型用于描述时非常有用。
They were lending to banks that were in trouble and the--so we'll give them a good rate; that's what they used to do.
In both cases, this becomes part of their self-identity. That's an essential part as my good friend, Linda Colley, who used to teach here and sadly is not here anymore.
If you've never seen it, it's a Kirk Douglas movie that's a good movie, and it's about the mutinies on the Western Front, and it's very good. We used to say, well come to 101 and it'll be a film that'll be shown at 8 p.M.