Apparently,the texts that were the most popular over a bigger geographical space tended to be the ones that got in.
So, I applied to a lot of schools and from the ones I got in, I decided to come to Yale.
I then left,taught one year at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee,and then I taught eleven years at Duke and got in love with their basketball team.
So we got in our car without caddy, much of our belongings as we can put in there.
And you went along with that feeling the next day, because in school they started to talk about how you got in.
You've got the flu, you've got influenza in your upper respiratory tract, your cells are making more influenza.
And that is how come he got involved in this, obviously this is talking about crystal formation.
The point I've got in mind here is this-- even when you think you're perfectly safe, you could of course die of a stroke.
And the challenge that we gave to ourselves is can we do that packaging in such a way that lays a ground work for community learning coming out of people who got involved in looking at the experiment of knowledge updates.
For example, if your son got in a fight with his sister and you're very concerned about him,
And I, like hopefully some of you in this room, discovered that chemistry was actually a lot of fun, and that the chemistry I got in college was pretty much nothing like the chemistry I had seen in high school.
It's at the level almost down to the lowest that we got in the 1990-91 recession.
I got interested in this--well, I got interested in this as a developmental psychologist watching my own children laugh and trying to figure out what it is that made them laugh.
because when I got in, I just like, I, I didn't know Berkeley's such a great school.
Well it's the law and if you got in an accident, it would be very dangerous.
But at the same time I'm extremely proud that I got in here.