I hope you've gotten something out of this on a way to increase calm, equanimity and connection to the world around you.
And one of the nice things about Central Park over the past few years, it's gotten much, much more safe.
In the simplest possible terms, you could say that Milton's sentence, Milton's argument here in this paragraph, has gotten away from him.
Still, there's some very interesting circumstantial evidence for Semites engaged in building projects in the thirteenth century, however and whenever they might have gotten to Egypt.
I had gotten in there from a tough high school I was the first to go from my high school.
Because I thought the payoffs - the two different payoffs that I could have gotten-- were highest if I chose Alpha.
Here, this guy looks like kind of an overweight NFL player who hasn't really gotten ready for the drill.
Yet at the same time, you probably thought "Oh, yeah, well, I did come out pretty much in the place I expected to come out in despite the roundabout way of having gotten there."
Now that I've gotten that bound as a name, I could go in and do things with that.
It is a little bit difficult in the sense that to have gotten into Princeton, one almost certainly has had to know something about something. Right?
Now, let's imagine I've been very lucky and gotten to you-- just get down on your knee.
You've gotten so far on your ability that many of you have learned to coast.
Bridges have really changed our society and allowed us to get from one place to another in ways that we couldn't have gotten to easily before.
I'm generally pretty impressed by what the, what my classmates have gotten up to before they came to school here.
Well, there you can see it. Sure better have gotten small because in fact it has to be zero.
Music gravitates around a home pitch and in the Beethoven Fifth symphony we still haven't gotten the home pitch.
音乐的音高一般会围绕着主音高浮动,在贝多芬的第五交响乐中 ,我们还没发现这个主音高