And we learn about the maternal grandparents, the paternal grandparents, and the brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and what each one of them did.
so just kind of raid your grandparents', like their wardrobes,
They ended up moving to a small town and no longer engaged in subsistence agriculture, if his parents had, or his grandparents.
So, I don't know what she grew up hearing about when she went to her grandparents' house, but it might have been wave function squared.
Cos I ask them to go back to interview their parents or whoever they could find out information about themselves, just like the professor was interviewing people to find out his own background and his family, I want them to go home, and interview their parents or grandparents, or aunts and uncles.
So let's meet the grandparents.
Maurice Chevalier was a crooner, he was a singer, he was--if your parents knew about France, he was the person that your grandparents even had heard about, and he was somebody from a poor part of Paris, and he was from Menilmontant, and he had this straw hat and he sung tunes-- "Very good my boys," And all of this stuff.
Our generation is much wealthier than our parents, much, much wealthier than our grandparents' generation.