So you're right that you could have made your decision back in the locker room, or you could have made the decision at half time, but ultimately what matters We gonna hope that goes away.
Most of my time, more than half of my time.
Remember, it's one and a half times inflation rate plus a half time the GDP utilization 1 plus 1.
I'm dividing it in half and half, and half and half, but each time I do that there's this merging process.
It's a time of technological innovation, tremendous technological innovation, so much technological change that half the time it frightened people.
OK. You can see that thing is cutting down the problem in half each time, which is good, but there's one more thing I need to deal with.
It has a half-life of approximately three years at which time it stops decaying.
Machiavelli said in that famous chapter 25, that the prince, if he is lucky, will master fortuna about half the time, only about 50% of the time.
Then the first time so he came up a major third there and then quickly backed off with just a half step below it, which completely gave it a different feel.
About half the time. Questions?
And by the time I'm a million and a half, I no longer remember what was happening in oh, back, back.
The style of warfare that emerges in this period, apparently for the first time, is what we call the hoplite phalanx and each half of that needs to be explained.
And a couple of the communards-- one is a woman that you'll read about later, called Louise Michel, who spends half her time in exile in London, who was an anarchist, basically, was very important, along with Elisabeth Dmitrieff.
I think you can tell by analogy with what I did in one dimension that the position of that object at any time t is going to be the initial position plus velocity times t plus one half a t square.
你们可以类比一下我在一维情况下的结论,这个物体在任意时刻 t 的位移,等于初始位移,加上 v ? t + 1/2 ? a ? t^2
I divide them in half one more time.
If the rate of population growth of the United States between 1820 and 1850 had sustained over time, we'd have today approximately one and a half billion people in the United States.
In fact, it took the same number of steps as it did in the other case, because each time I'm cutting it down by a half.
And you can see it wrapping its way down, cutting in half at each time until it gets there, but it takes a while to find. All right.
The second half of the book turns in somewhat different, certainly equally important directions, but would take us much more time than the time we have allotted to deal with.
Because I'm cutting down the problem in half at each time. You're right, but there's something we have to do to add to that, and that's the last thing I want to pick up on.
Yeah. Log. It's a good think, but why do you think it's log? Ah-ha. It's not a bad instinct, the length is getting shorter each time, but what's one of the characteristics of a log algorithm? It drops in half each time.