Again, this is his personal ambivalence about his own role, hanging around with ordinary people, sleeping in peasant lodgings and that sort of thing.
Why all these body parts hanging around?
It might well be that the people who won those wars,internal wars, would have been glad to send them away rather than to have these discontented people and these folks who were their enemies hanging around town and making trouble.
If Hughes is correct, this is part of him saying that being a czar is more than just dressing up, and playing the role, and going to fancy dances, and hanging around with fancy people who don't do a damn thing.
如果休斯是对的,他的这一部分性格说明了,作为沙皇不仅仅要衣着华丽,扮演沙皇的角色 参加华丽的舞会,和贵族上层一起消磨时光,整日无所事事
And this movie, i don't know if I would recommend it that much, it's... Perhaps I'm being too pC, but I'm not convinced that for the modern woman, hanging around waiting for your prince to come is really a good strategy.