It's folly to think that we have about us protective spirits who might actually keep us from harm.
then a lot of people will get, like, they will be caused harm by that.
Whatever danger a particular text may pose to the state is outweighed by the greater harm of the official elimination of that text or by the greater harm of the punishment of the author.
The harm shouldn't be so serious that it elicits strong negative emotions like fear, grief or pity.
Then we would do them. Because they certainly not aiming to do harm. Shall we continue?
For that matter, no serious harm done if we ask: Is there life after death?
and your growth could increase in the third quarter a little bit, but that's... -Will you agree with Ken that it at least does very little harm.
He accepts the view that justice is giving to each what is owed, but he interprets this to mean that justice means doing good to your friends and harm to your enemies.
In other words,intervention did more harm than good.
That's where they do it harm.
But it's positive 1.5% per year, time-weighted--that's the number that you see in the prospectus or the number that you see in the advertisements so you say, what's the big deal, no harm no foul.
If we defined food differently: that it's something that nurtures the body, something found in nature, something that doesn't harm the environment-- there are a number of criteria one can apply to define a food-- then we might come up with a different definition than this, but this is the way the nutrition field generally looks at it.
Our immune system's function is to keep us healthy in the face of an environment where there are lots of things that could potentially harm us.
versus actually causing harm to another human being.
So no harm is done, once we've clarified the question that we're trying to ask, if we summarize that question in a bit of a jargon or slogan.
If it doesn't harm anyone, it's okay.