What should be established I think is an artistic, harmonious balance between the reader's mind and the author's mind.
She stills the gall of wearisome hate and under her influence all life among mankind is harmonious and does well."
His harmonious unity with nature is broken, he clothes himself and his old friends the gazelles run from him now He will never again roam free with the animals. He cannot run as quickly. His pace slackens, he can't even keep up with them.
Unfortunately, it didn't work very well because people started bickering in his town and the New Harmony became kind of a joke-- it was not a harmonious community.
So there is a harp, making its melodious harmonious sounds, and then you take an ax to the harp, bang bang bang, chop chop chop, or a hammer whatever.
The aim of the Republic is to establish a harmonious city, based on a conception of justice that, so to speak, harmonizes the individual and society, how to achieve that.
Just as Enkidu gains wisdom and becomes like a god and loses his oneness with nature, so Adam and Eve after eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil are said to have become like gods and they also lose their harmonious relationship with nature.