Because it takes three units where there's only four choices at each position to have at least 20 unique combinations.
You have to have at least, I don't know, cereal or maybe a piece of fruit?
And then after a few minutes or maybe an hour, you hopefully have at least one dancing cookie.
A qualified purchaser has to have at least $5 million dollars or, if it's an institution, at least $25 million -that is a natural person.
I've done a great deal of work on love and sex, and now have written at least eight books.
If you feel exposed without a text book, you really have to have a textbook, John actually I'm going to reuse that word, John, at least suggest it, on the course website.
Now I think you may be rather happy to hear that this is the last time --I'm pretty sure that this is the last time - that we will have to discuss, at least at any length, Milton's worries about his unreadiness and his un-preparation.
It means by choosing the easy pass, he does at least as well, and sometimes better, than he would have done had he chosen the hard pass.
Yesterday, on M.L. King Day, I had the privilege of being on at least four radio programs about this new book I have out called A Slave No More, some of them quite terrific.
When it looks like those kings are going to restore Catholicism, at least have lots of paintings of swooning cherubs, and Baroque Italian art in Windsor, and London, and these other places, then you've got a revolution.
We have to resist excessive commitment to this idea of it being a center, but it is at least not a center which somehow stands outside of itself and is a center only in the sense that it is some remote, hidden, impersonal, distant cause.
We don't have to make up our minds in advance whether it was a real world or a completely fantastic one, but at least let's see if we can describe what world it looks like.
But for, at least for finance, a lot of the banks and companies actually have sessions here on campus
So this means we can actually calculate this for any molecule that we've drawn the Lewis structure for, because we actually do need to draw the Lewis structure before we know, for example, how many of each of these we have, or at least go through the rules.
We don't have 8 am sections, at least we haven't in recent years.
They're going to have to speak at least one another language and probably more.