It was something like a central bank but it was different essentially in that the National Banks really didn't have authority to run monetary policy.
you have to cite to every single, everybody you're quoting or any authority that you're relying on.
The modern state, as we have come to understand it, is based upon the separation of civil society from governing authority.
I have a tendency to put upon texts an inherent authority which is stronger, I think, than Derrida is willing to put on them.
The patriarchal stories are clearly not the work of the Deuteronomist, and these stories must have had very longstanding traditional authority if they were adopted without serious modification by the Deuteronomist redactor some modification, but not serious.
But, they're what we have and I think that we should probably give them the authority to do that job and I think that's what we need to do.
We have the compelling, official authority of the new state licenser, and Milton pits that external state of power against the powers of reason and against the powers of conscience that, of course, were seen to govern human action from within -- an internalized authority.
It's a problem if we reject the police-like authority of authors, of whom we may have a certain suspicion on those grounds, when we certainly don't feel that way about Marx and Freud.
Each state was to be sovereign and to have its own authority.
That is to say, when the rules governing authority have broken down in times of crisis, and that was certainly true in Hobbes' time, a time of civil war and crisis.
I think that,generally speaking -and Bob Shiller can speak to this with a lot more authority than I can this bubble was not something that should have surprised people.
Most of us most of the time hold these beliefs as a matter of faith as a matter of belief because we have learned about them from childhood because they were written by Thomas Jefferson or some other reputed high authority.
Apollo had touched Milton in a way that I think we can actually measure by the end of this poem because Milton at the conclusion of Lycidas seems to have assumed the authority of Apollo.
In other words, not Lorenzo at all, but precisely princes who have or will achieve their authority through their own guile, their own force, or their own virtu, to use the famous Machiavellian term that I want to talk about later.