Milton can join his voice to the angel choir and have the honor of being first to greet the "Infant God."
And i have the honor for essentially making things go.
The idea is that this should be the as honor truth as possiable and the classroom experence should have centrally be the same as they're not there.
This kind of ritual honor all the time I mean after all we have a president who just likes to speak like a Texan, he doesn't do all that honor stuff.
So, you have this tremendous continuity between the sort of the honor code that was so dominant in the Homeric world, which has now been shifted to the larger unit, which is the polis.
And one reason Bowman believes this is that we have such a difficult time in understanding other peoples and other cultures is that the very idea of defending one's honor has largely been devalued in the modern west.
The desire to be first is really central to this poem and it continues in this stanza: Have thou the honor first thy Lord to greet And join thy voice unto the Angel Choir, From out his secret Altar toucht with hallow'd fire.