Haze opened the door and released the thumb and then slammed the door again."A howl arose that would rend almost any heart."
Haze drove about twenty feet and stopped the car and then began to back it He backed it over the body and then stopped and got out.
Fraternities and med schools and other organizations haze people.
If Haze is busy looking at something, what he's looking at is manifestly not the person in front of him.
Remember when Haze and Enoch are in the middle of the park at the swimming pool. Enoch's hiding in the bushes, spying on the women.
This is after the man from the filling station has given Haze some gas and not charged him for it, a very unusual act of kindness in this novel.
Haze In Haze's case, he does this over and over and over again.
It's not just Haze's Essex that is imagined as home.
it says "The pickup truck slowed even more, as if it were reading the sign, Haze his empty horn.
She looked at him Haze with her eyes squinted nearly shut.
Haze drove on, leaving the man who has helped him: "The blinding white cloud had turned into a bird with long, thin wings and was disappearing in the opposite direction."
And then it gets more intense of course on page 206 , when Haze commits murder.
There is a vagueness to this language that I think is quite calculated, and it relates, in Haze's case, to his determination to not be converted to evil, but to nothing.
Haze poked his toe in his side, and he wheezed for a second and then was quiet. "Two things I can't stand," Haze said, "a man that ain't true, and one that mocks what is. You shouldn't ever have tampered with me if you didn't want what you got."
The last thing I want to point out, in this passage from here to the end of the chapter, is the way that Haze's senses are described.
The Essex stood half over the other prophet as if it were pleased to guard what it had finally brought down. The man didn't look so much like Haze lying on the ground on his face without his hat or suit on. A lot of blood was coming out of him and forming a puddle around his head.
Sabbath Lily But what I want to take out of Sabbath Lily's comment about Haze is this sense of what you look at.
Haze Enoch kept skipping steps Enoch "I been here two months," he said, "and I don't know nobody.
This is Mrs. Hitchcock in the train; it's Haze bumping into Mrs. Hitchcock: Going around the corner, he ran in to something heavy and pink.
Haze is trying to get rid of Enoch: "Listen," Haze said roughly, "I got business of my own.
On 62, we get an account of Haze's childhood sin.
It has the feeling of a rare moment of explanation from Haze.
Of course, Haze Motes is not an Oedipus figure, but there are obvious resemblances.
We saw a version of this also in the passage I was reading just before, where "a hand" comes in the window and rests- "lands"--on Haze's shoulder.
So there is this sense of occluded sight; "Haze," that haze.
Essex So other cars on the road looked like houses, mobile houses, as well.
Haze and the car shot backwards because the man had left it in reverse.
Now this is where the omniscient narrator comes in quite forcefully, and gives us something to work on as we analyze Haze and we think about who he is as a character and where he finds himself.