How does all this work? Brooks believes that he can understand it, as we'll try to explain, in psychoanalytic terms.
There was a boy in that class who was a great hacker and I know he can hack things very quickly.
He's been waiting and waiting for his season due so that he can ripen into a powerful Orphic poet.
So, there's a kind of lost paradise of European culture which he can't get back, even with this spectacular effort in English.
He said, "I'll pray for him but if he can punch it'll help." In a small respect, that's Machiavelli.
Hardy wants to use really old dialect words, when he can, and there's power in that. And this is a poem composed in 1915.
He can be a citizen of his community, he can be a Marathonian, but he is also and more primarily,he is an Athenian.
He is also a fine painter and varnisher, and says he can make a fine panel door.
God can impart holiness to, he can sanctify, persons and places and things when they're brought into a specific kind of relationship with him, a relationship that's best described as a relationship of ownership.
He goes out to Versailles and creates this noble theme park and sort of a Euro Disney for nobles where he can watch these nobles.
If he can do it again in this situation, it will be amazing.
And proceeds to do the only thing he can do to defend himself against Hal, which is shut down the program, basically killing-- if we can talk that way--killing Hal.
So imagine the following example, an invader is thinking about invading a country, and there are two ways -- there are two passes if you like -- through which he can lead his army.
Welles said, forgive me for repeating myself from a previous class, Welles said the problem with Citizen Kane is that it just look like a young film maker trying to set proof to the world that he can make movies. That's exactly what it was.
and now he wants to put them in a database so that he can see them.
And,so,the patronage of the Empire is that he can provide railroads, he can provide money for things, and that further centralizes the state.