More importantly, they can affect blood pressure as well, the strength of your heartbeat and the pressure that your heart generates.
And what has happened is they're using this bodily cue of their heartbeat to infer that that's who they find more attractive.
One class of them is beta-blockers, they bind to beta-adrenergic receptors, which are receptors that exchange information between your nervous system and the contractile system that beats your heart and that causes the heartbeat.
The beat's kind of like the heartbeat.
The headphones are amplifying their heartbeat and the slides are moving one after another for a few seconds each slide and they're listening to their heartbeat.
And they are wearing headphones that amplify their heartbeat and they are asked among other things how attracted are they to the centerfold photograph that they're looking at.
They're listening to a tape recording of a heartbeat.
They're not actually listening to their heartbeat.
And it doesn't matter which slide he speeds up the tape of the heartbeat on, that's the one the subject is more likely to think is the person of their dreams, the person they're attracted to.