So let me go back up here, and I'm going to comment out that region, and let's uncomment this region.
and it's one that I think is really good, uh, personally, it's why I chose to go here.
So we're going to go through a thermodynamic cycle, and here's what I want to calculate when we do this.
And in fact if I go off and run this, OK, what I was printing here was s 1 dot length, and that's -- What is it doing?
So here we have an example but I want to go back to the generality and to a bit of formalism.
We're going to go to the realm of Western jazz here and I'm going to pick on Chuck Mangione.
Please don't go away thinking that what I just said is, here's a new argument for the soul.
I'm just going to go over a few of the main points here So, the first is that what we're going over notes today and also on Monday, the exam material ends at the end lecture notes from lecture 9.
Okay, I hope you don't rush out of here and go for the paradise pie.
And I could go recall from right above here on the left side of your brain, right in the premium of the cortex to predict exactly that key.
So if you have plasmid where you know all the base pairings than you could go through that plasmid and say I want to cut it right here.
And the Hund Rule says try to go for unpaired electrons I will put one up here.
I won't go through them. I just list a few of them here.
Here we go, the screen Is that the right ring? I never know.
I don't know what order I should go in here.
3 >> Okay. I'll just go over here to y and get the number 13 set up and then take the wand of dereferencing and just, whoa.
I mean, here I was... I don't get that much of a chance to go off campus
I have to write to them about that However we go to the text-only version here You see it`s all in text.
Clearly, Milton is in some way wonderfully speaking through the Lady here. Then we get the Lady again: Shall I go on?Or have I said enough?
If I had taken as my interpolation scheme, my white curve here, I could go to infinity and have the equivalent of absolute zero being at infinity, minus infinity.
All right, so you're going to go to here; so this point here is... I can't even write this.
Moving a stack of size 3, again, if I want to go over there, I need to make sure I can put the spare one over here before I move the bottom one, I can't cover up any of the smaller ones with the larger one, but I can get it there.
I'm going from T1 to T2, and I have two ways to go here. One is non-adiabatic.One is adiabatic.