It may not generate high income, but it can make them feel like they're making contributions in one way or another.
You don't want--you know that you'd like to take money away from yourself in the high-outcome years and give it to yourself in the low-income years.
And even they agree income has gone up that remains untaxed, more important becasuse agriculture incomes are not that high and the moral case for taxing people who are not growing as fast not that strong.
I only started asking this in 1996 when the stock market boom was well under way, but already 69% of my respondents, who were high-income investors, strongly agreed.
It's important--that's one reason why we want policies that encourage equality of incomes-- not necessarily equality, but reasonable equality-- because the people with very low wealth have a very high marginal utility of income and people with very high wealth have very little.