Now, I think there's a deliberate confusion here about these lines because their precise historical significance isn't what's most significant.
So in the end,the canon is a list of the winners in the historical debate to define orthodox Christianity.
Some scholars assume there's a historical memory behind the elaborate and dramatic story of a miraculous redemption by God.
It seems formal and analytical in contrast to Machiavelli's combination of historical commentary and reflection drawn from personal experience.
I'll try to give you some social and historical reasons why this is the case, but in the meantime is important to recognize, too.
Yeasts suggests that we think of this historical moment as the Second Coming.
There's historical scholarship that used to argue that a couple of generations ago, but not anymore.
It's in recognition of what we can think of as this time- honored historical irony that Milton writes such a memorable line, a wonderful line, in his sonnet on the new Presbyterian regime.
Scholars distinguish between the early Platonic dialogues, the so-called Socratic dialogues, where the thought is, those are the views of Socrates, the actual historical figure.
No human being is referred to as wanax in the period of historical Greece.
The thing that is very interesting that he finds is the difference, 4%, between the historical real return on stocks and the historical real return on bonds.
That's a historical accident of English.
What's happened actually if we base it in the last 25 years since the early '80s We've just had two recessions and they've been very mild by historical standards and...two--now three long expansions in between.
What he suggested is "Manhattan-Project-type attacks upon what I consider to be the truly Big Problems of our time, not only for psychology but for all human beings " with any sense of historical urgency".
So you'll just have to survive these two very historical survey lectures, because it's material that you need to know.
You obeyed Israelite law and custom, you revered Israelite lore, you entered into the historical community of Israel by accepting that their fate and yours should be the same.