There's never been a successful third-party political culture take hold in this country without one really big issue to drive it.
Let's say Pavarotti at the end of his life couldn't hold notes as long as he could when he was recording in nineteen seventy-eight.
What will happen is that Yale will continue to hold a relatively well-diversified portfolio as defined by the range of asset classes in which it invests.
That would mean that everybody is holding that same portfolio of risky assets and nobody is different, they're only different in how-- what proportions they hold the risky-- the tangency portfolio.
I'm sure you're familiar with the drill -you put a dollar into various asset classes, in this case, at the end of 1925 and hold those asset classes for, in this case, eighty-one years; the numbers go through the end of 2006.
The reserves are an accounting entry-- it's how much they are required to hold, but the companies will hold more than that, typically, in order to protect themselves-- more than is required--and their policy holders-- more than is required by the regulators.