What's really going on is you're floating in the psychologist's tank in their lab with the electrodes hooked up your brain.
But when I think about the question, would I want to spend my life ? hooked up to an experience machine?
See gargantuan hooked fingers Pluck in supreme flesh To smutch supreme littleness.
You don't need to say anything more about the phosphate because they all have the phosphate and every set of these is hooked together in the same way.
Now, ask yourself then, would you want to spend your life ? hooked up to the experience machine?
Ask yourself, how would you feel if you discovered now that you have been living your life ? hooked up to an experience machine?
Just imagine that everybody's hooked up to experience machines, but everybody's got the best possible tapes.
Now you ask yourself, what I'm asking you to ask yourself, is would you want to spend your life ? hooked up to the experience machine?
And I imagine that for most of you, when you ask yourself, would you want your entire life ? to be spent hooked up to the experience machine?
Hooked up to the machine, you believe you are climbing Mount Everest.
So that when you are hooked up to the machine, it seems to you exactly the same on the inside as it would seem to you if you really were-- and now fill in the blank.
So, imagine taking two IgG's, turning one upside-down and then they're hooked together.