And I hope in the future 0 if we get to 2010, 2020 that this is the preferred way to teach the large courses in MIT
So that's, I hope it has a future, and I think it definitely does. So that's my future.
I've gone over this argument at such length because, I hope it's clear, I think it's a pretty interesting argument.
Big question. I hope I have time to answer it.
Ideally, I'd just kind of hope I get a good idea that I could work on,
Can this possibly be correct? I hope it can. No, it is not correct.
I'll tell you what reaction I hope I get from the Russians.
I hope I got it on the slides.
Alright, that's the end of my, maybe sermon is the right word on debugging. Polemic, I don't know. I hope it will be helpful. And I hope you'll remember some of these things as you try and get your programs to work.
So I hope it's not a big problem.
I hope I can make it.
I hope that you've been inspired to get out there and engage your local community, people from across religious backgrounds.
As I say, we'll start to get our discussion sections organized on Monday and they should be set, I hope, by the Wednesday lecture next week.
I hope you will keep on saying it, but I hope you will say it as an artist, as in Native Son. So Faulkner's objection is on the other side.
Now those of you who have taken English 125 or any course that has asked you to read Spenser will recognize almost instantly I think, I hope, Milton's literary depth.
It is inevitable that you will bring what you learn in this course into dialogue with your own personal religious beliefs, and for some of you, I hope all of you, that will be enriching and exciting.