When you are searching a list to see whether it has an element, you don't randomly probe the list, hoping to find whether or not it's there.
Like, because I mean... Like this semester, I was hoping to take 3 sciences with an American Cultures class,
Now I asked you to read for today, and I'm hoping you remember some of the reading, the canto from Spenser's Faerie Queene that features the cave of Mammon.
You know sometimes when you're losing and you redouble and you keep hoping to win back what you've lost?
You always want to check your signs at the and because it's so easy to get the sign wrong, and I was hoping that it was right here because I wasn't sure, but it turned out to be right.
So I was hoping to see more like 99% on this, but you do still have two more days before the exam.
Each night I went to bed hoping that the next morning would be the day of departure.
And that's like kind of hoping that the element you're searching for is the first in the list and the last in the list. Maybe.
or do I kind of do the nod hoping that there won't be more than this nod?
So again, I'm hoping this is calming down the math phobics in the room.
So, Hobbes clearly believes or thinks that this will be a useful book for a sovereign to read and hoping it will gain the ear of a sympathetic sovereign or potential sovereign.
We're hoping today to touch on both areas of that, both the personal spirituality and religious experience and also some questions of religion in America: how religion takes its various forms and different communities, depending on their social location.
Because of the climate and because of certain things growing in different parts of the world--and by the way, I see some of you kind of struggling to keep up with some of the things I'm doing on the slides, but I'm hoping to make broad points here, and again, the slides will be posted on the website so don't worry so much if you're not able to get everything down.
We don't know what the force is, because we are hoping to say force is going to be m times a.
我们不知道力有多大,因为我们希望力是 m 和 a 的乘积
but in that time, I'm hoping to set up my life such that one day, in the long term,
The question that we're ultimately hoping to get an answer to: Could I survive my death?