And so this household structure becomes very important for the growth and structure and even the theology of Christianity eventually.
And then there's means tested where if you have a lower household income,
The slaves and the freed persons of a Roman household Familia were legally the ones who were the familia.
Hobbes was the tutor to a royal household who followed the King into exile during the English Civil War.
They are establishing for themselves a household, a home someplace away from where they started, and that's the name.
And, yet, Frost's attention is drawn, interestingly, to a playhouse that is part of that household.
I'm going to ask you to imagine the domestic situation in the Milton household in 1632.
John, let me give you one more, one other statistic During the last 7 years, the Bush presidency household debt has almost tripled.
But at the last moment, His brother Judah convinces the brothers that, if instead of killing him, they sell him, they can profit a little for their troubles. So Joseph is sold ultimately ends up in the household of Pharaoh in Egypt, and his adventures there prove his meritorious character.
For a typical household, the home is the major source of wealth that they've accumulated.
By keeping women under the household of the men of their original family, the upper-class Romans tried to balance these different households in size and importance.
But most of the free citizens of the Roman Empire, - of Rome, were poor people-- free, and even citizens, but they were poor people who weren't part of any rich household.
They did this because they didn't want the upper-class in Rome, who were the elite, they didn't want any one household, or any small group of households, to become too powerful.
Now when this slave is freed, by the owner, the slave could take the peculium with him, and then he could set up his own business, but he'd still be a client of the owner, because he's still officially part of his household.
One of them are the kinds of students who grew up in a religious household.
As it becomes more of a unity it will be like a household instead of a polis and a human being instead of a household.