We can see how whether it's the same person or not has to turn on the relations between the stages.
What I just spent many lectures discussing is the fact that we can not know how far away an electron is from the nucleus, so we can't actually know the radius of a certain atom.
I think that theological positions need to change and we know that can, look at how they've changed in Christianity regarding women, not perfect, but, regarding women, the end of human chattel slavery.
Now Descartes, you remember, in his Meditations begins by asking a series of questions about how we can know anything, and one of the skeptical questions he asks is, "Well, might I not be crazy?"
? Not enough. How can we get beyond that "comfortably numb"?
As we do these little clicker poll things you can tell me if you find it helpful or not, then we can decide how to continue --whether to continue them in the future.
You remember in the first lecture I said there's a difference between the history of criticism and theory of literature, one difference being that the history of criticism has a great deal to do with literary evaluation: that is to say, why do we care about literature and how can we find means of saying that it's good or not good?
But is has another sense which is not a rhetorical sense, because metaphor is sort of the heart of rhetoric, the rhetorical sense A is B--when, by the way, A we know perfectly well that A is not B. How can A be B? A is only A.