How do you do that problem?
shows a week, that's so much physicality, and how do you work with that?
How do you do that?
You can be reflect about how you do this, but there is slightly different function that person giving a presentation has.
We've talked about one the main concepts in physiology being homeostasis, that is 'how do you maintain a constant internal environment?
How many times do you need to fold the piece of paper so that you can reach the moon.
How do we know that everyone choosing 1 is the Nash Equilibrium in the game where you all chose numbers?
These, they are all really smart people, which is why we brought them and we want to leverage the fact that they have a lot of really good ideas and can do a lot of the stuff themselves, but how you make sure that it's conforming to standards, you know.
And, I am curious that how much do you think Israeli-Palestinian conflict has to do with religion, and how much has to do with politics?
And I haven't said yet, how do I get that collection, but you could certainly conceptualize that, if I had that collection, that would be nice thing to do. That is a more common pattern.
How long did it take old Chopin to think that up do you suppose? Two seconds?
We finished Black Boy last time, and one of the big questions coming out of my discussion of that autobiography is: how do you manage the question of context in reading a novel or an autobiography--in reading any text?
First of all, situation number one, well, you know how to do that.
You've got to make sure that if you explain to others how to do this problem, then somebody else contributes to something else, but you know what everybody contributed in the end.
What I'd like to do today is talk to you about how it is that we moved from this old model to what it is that today many institutions call the Yale model.
But it's a very interesting topic, so today we're going to talk about how do you measure what people eat, and you're having some experience that yourself with the daily plate dietary assessment.
I'm gonna ask you to find resources that help inform your opinions about how we can do a better job of building a better learning community.
cs50 h It's not called standard io.h, it's called cs50.h. That's where the code we wrote for you will live and then we'll see how to do this in examples today onward but we wrote for you some tools, some functions that calls GetChar for get a character.
Now, you know how to make women do worse on math tests too, like that, and this has a demonstrative effect.
For a minute just assume that we can do this and I'm going to show you how to do it on the next slide.
You could also pick a point down here, which is more than 100% bonds-- how would you do that?
How do those stock phrases alienate you from the very experience you hope that they can describe?
What is the class of algorithm that's- that probably applies to this, and how do I pull something out of that, if you like, a briefcase of possible algorithms to solve?
Now how do you find those colonies on a plate that have the plasmid that you want?