How do you want to aim it so you can be most effective?
How long do you want to stay here?
OK, now what I want to do is just describe a little bit of how do you measure all this stuff, right?
And what we want to do then, is we want to basically come up with, how do we characterize the growth-- God bless you-- of this problem in terms of this Quadra-- sorry, terms of this exponential growth.
What is it--we're coming up to April ? How many sexual partners do you want in April?
Okay. finally I want to give you some tips on how to do well in this course and what attitude you should have.
It just needs to know how many bytes of memory do you want?
He points out that the knowledge of how to do this, of how to grow the kind of grapes you want, viticulture, and also arboriculture, both of these, are learned from Asia.
This is once you've decided that you're going to be an active manager and try and pursue market beating strategies, how do you decide where it is that you want to spend your time and energy?
How do you get there? You go to go here, here and these could be busy roads, and so parents don't want to do it because of safety reasons, so you see how--when the country used to be laid out in a grid, like say New York City still is today, then people walk to get to places.
Depending on what kind of chemistry you go in to, you might accidentally memorize parts of the table, which is fine, but what you really want to know how to do is know how to use the periodic table.
But what we-- what we do want to do, is to give you some intuition about how to approach questions of efficiency.
So I keep saying I've got one thing hanging, it's the last thing I want to do, but I wanted you see how much of a difference this makes.
Now, this was research done by Norbert Schwarz and... here's the question I want you to ask yourself, " "How much do you like this person?"
Well let's see. My fall back is, I could just do linear search, walk down the list one at a time, just comparing those things. OK. So that's sort of my base. But what if I wanted, you know, how do I want to get to that sorted list? All right?
How high do you want to go?
OK, so how can I code this up? Well, you might think, let's just jump in and write some code, I don't want to quite do that though, because I want to show you another tool that's valuable for thinking about how to structure the code, and that is a something called a flow chart. Now.
Some programs won't stop until you're old and gray. And these are really different efficiencies, and we want to give you a sense of how do you reason about those different kinds of programs.
Now, I want to do one concrete problem where you will see how to use these derivatives.
If you have a computer that plays chess and you want to explain how the computer plays chess, it's impossible to do so without talking about the programs and mechanisms inside the computer.