How do we even begin to appreciate this amazing imagery here?
And I have to begin thinking in terms of how I'm going to present my work and myself.
How can you marry a Latvian to begin with, if you're a Russian and marry somebody who was a commoner?
We're going to try and help you learn how to think like a computer scientist, and we're going to begin talking about that towards the end of this lecture and of course throughout the rest of the lectures that carry on.
How hard did you find it to figure out what food it was to begin with?
We don't really have a clue yet, or not much of a clue, as to how you could even so much as begin to-- it's not that merely that we don't have the details worked out.
The physical basis for everything that we normally hold dear, like free will, consciousness, morality and emotions, and that's what we'll begin the course with, talking about how a physical thing can give rise to mental life.
We can begin to see it is clear how Aristotle's best regime differs from Plato's intransigent demand for the rule of philosopher-kings.
I couldn't begin to do that. How much can I hear?
And if you haven't yourself dived into your own problem set zero, whose PDFs are available online, realize that if something like this, given that it's a minute or so long, kind of looks you know, despite the cutesiness of it, kind of overwhelming in that you don't really know where to begin, how could you possibly sketch out this whole story line.
I want to begin by talking about impression formation, how we form impressions of others, and tell you a couple of interesting things about impression formation.
This is going to begin a two-lecture sequence on social psychology on how we think about ourselves, how we think about other people, how we think about other groups of people.