But talk about sort of engineering the immune system, how to produce immunity in individuals.
Again, how much quantity would Firm 2 have to produce in order to induce Firm 1's best response to be 0?
Let's go on now to talk about instruments and how instruments produce sound.
We can see how to make it produce like effects.
The amount of water that you need to have the optimal sort of concentrations of things is determined by how much urine your kidneys produce and how much they excrete each day.
They knew how to cultivate the grape to make excellent wine; they knew how to cultivate olives to be able to make superb olive oil and how to process them to produce the result.
How much quantity would Firm 2 have to produce in order to induce Firm 1 not to produce at all?
This time, however, instead of setting quantities, instead of just deciding how much Coke and Pepsi to produce and spewing it out in the market and letting prices take care of themselves, this time the firms are going to set prices and let quantities take care of themselves.
Then, also emphasizing in the case of smallpox, how even after the scientific discovery was made, it took many, many decades for people to be able to produce the vaccine in large enough quantities and distribute it, so that you could think about making an impact on global prevalence of the disease.