As each year goes by, you accumulate economic shocks, shocks to your human capital, shocks to what you own as you get older.
You start--Your human capital is your ability to do things and your knowledge, which is what you have to sell in the marketplace.
I think that what you have to do as a young person is develop your human capital and that means knowing how to do things.
我认为作为一个年轻人 你们应该做的,是发展你们的人力资本,而这意味着你们要知道怎样做事情
It is at its worst after retirement ... when you are no longer-- you've exhausted your human capital and you're living off of all the accumulated physical capital.
As you get older, your human capital evolves and it has its ups and downs as you age and you start switching from human capital to other forms of capital.