And what human rights law making keeps coming back to is the human being, human dignity, the essence of the human.
We have very different understandings of what we mean about the inherent human dignity when we bring in our, I mean, in my sense, particularly religious understandings.
But now you will suggest, I've really gone too far, attributing to Hobbes a doctrine of human dignity that one might expect to find in a philosopher like Kant or someone else.
The two accounts are extremely different but they both Signal the unique position and dignity of the human being.
So they are trying to take the criteria that are already well established and human rights and saying we need to look again at what is torture, we need to look at imprisonment we need to look at all sorts of things related to human dignity.
And when we begin to speak about the human being and human dignity, people with religious identification quickly find themselves talking about concepts that have an element of sacred to them.
Some people say human dignity.
But within all of these groups is an attempted try to get down something that's so fundamental, and we just have to safeguard. I'm thinking broadly in terms of social justice criteria, others may say human dignity. There're certain things we do to safeguard others' human dignity.
What constitutes the ground of human dignity?
It is a moral entitlement for Hobbes, the source of human worth and dignity.