And I think for anyone who's concerned about human life and wants to save human life, this is a very easy way to do it.
and improve the quality of human life to the extent possible without using animal testing.
But I also think there are some cases, where it might actually be kinder and more humane to end a human life.
And I put this to Voytek, what dollar figure should be put on human life to decide whether to ban the use of cell phones?
One of the other things that happened during the twentieth century is that human life expectancy increased dramatically, people started living a lot longer.
in 1890 or in "The Variety of Religious Experiences" writes, " If we were to ask the question: ? "What is human life's chief concern?"
that human life is in some ways essentially different than other forms of life.
This all came hard and at the cost, I'm sure, of a lot of human life and a lot of misery.
This is indicative of the sense that he wants to lay bare, in a literal way, all the seaminess of human life, all the aspects of what it means to be an embodied person, all the ecstasies that come from that embodiment.
Because if you think about it, suicide doesn't change the fundamental nature of the human condition, life followed by death.
For Aristotle, human beings have a goal or a telos, which is to live a life in community with others for the sake of human flourishing.
It implies that human life is somehow sacred and deserving of special care and protection.
Yes, sure. Most of this opposition comes from people who are critical of places where I depart from the traditional ethic of the thing to do for human life.
Doesn't that suggest that it's a mistake to try to put monetary figures on questions of human life?
And the drama of human life should revolve not around the search for eternal life but around the moral conflict and tension between a good god's design for creation and the free will of human beings that can corrupt that good design.
There seems to be in existence from the beginning of creation this universal moral law, and that is: the God-endowed sanctity of human life.