So it seems that humankind is to be destroyed because they irritate the gods with their tumult and noise.
That echoes his words in Genesis 1 where he proposes, "Let us make humans," or humankind, "in our image."
But the reason is ultimately, Mill claims, a utilitarian reason once you consider the long-run interests of humankind, of all of us as progressive beings.
It can never be something that incorporates all of humankind.
And as Walt Whitman wrote in poem after poem, and other poets did as well, and politicians said over and over and over and over America, and this United States, this nation formed there would be the beginning of a new man, a new start for humankind.
And humankind receives its first set of explicit laws, no more implicit, "Murder is bad." "Oh I wish I had known!"
The story is explaining how these odd conditions of life came to be as they are, which is not to say that it's the ideal situation or even that it's God's will for humankind these are etiological fables, and they're best read as such.
The fruit did bring death to humankind.
God has promised at this point, however, not to destroy all humankind again, So he experiments with a single individual of faith.
He was known through history, events and a particular relationship with humankind.
We're going to read these stories with an eye to Israel's adaptation of Near Eastern motifs and themes to sort of monotheize those motifs and themes and express a new conception of God and the world and humankind.