I'll try to make it as interesting as I humanly can do.
In 1718, he ordered a man kept alive after being horribly tortured, so he could be tortured some more and suffer as long as humanly possible.
718年 他下令救活一名遭受酷刑的男子,却是为了尽可能长时间地折磨他
Now this is--;So, these are constraints on grammar and they're really interesting because they tell us what's a humanly natural language versus what's not a humanly natural language.
Satan's saying that before the war in heaven, God's power just seemed like any other king's power, as if God sat on the throne of heaven merely because of those humanly constructed reasons of tradition, or of old repute or consent or custom.
Now, why the Fat Lady? It's this mythical, incredibly humanly embodied-- whenever you see a fat lady in a novel, one of the first things you want to ask is: why does that person need to be excessively embodied?