They cover only one part of a year and yet they carry details of thousands of transactions in hundreds of places.
We're selling everyday to hundreds of thousands of customers, and so it is an execution kind of business.
The so called ones column on the right, the tens column next to it, the hundreds column, the thousands column, and so forth.
Another sort of task, which is a task that's been done hundreds, perhaps thousands of times, is known as "the false-belief task" and here's the idea.
There are hundreds,thousands of them known now, and each one has a specific character and one aspects of its character is that it only binds and cuts at a particular sequence of DNA.
So,if you take number one--but we don't have to go through them all and I assure you we won't--if you take number one, the Ain,a-i-n,it's named after a river; or if you take number two,the Aisne,a-i-s-n-e, it's named after a river; and how many hundreds of thousands of people died along there in World War One or,you take number three,the same thing,Allier.