I can take an insulated box, and I can have a chemical reaction in that insulated box.
Sure! I think I can do that. That's one of the things that I teach here so I hope that I can.
.. I can achieve any combination-- I can achieve any point on that by choosing an allocation of my portfolio.
You begin to realize that all of these big seemingly complicated pieces of software in websites that you use, if you just hone in on little pieces of them at a time and you realize oh I can do that and oh I can do that.
I'm coming at this guy and what I want to do, if I can, I want to kill him.
What's the point of this? Again, now that I can think about things recursively, I can similarly break things down into simpler versions of the same problem. It could be one version.
But even an ideal like self-reliance I can remake my world, I can be anything I want is changed by the Market Revolution.
The number 3, not only can't I see it, I can't taste it. I can't hear it.
I can't sell myself into slavery any more than I can take somebody else's life or take someone else as a slave by force.
That is to say, you're asking yourself, "Well, sure. You know what? I pride myself on this: I can factor out all forms of subjectivity. I really can be objective.
Here's the difference between normal hemoglobin and sickle hemoglobin, I can make - I can see a chemical difference, I can exploit it, how can I find it?
I'm now, have to teach in the school. I can't, I'm not at home to teach them how to make their bed,
I feel like I can, you know, I can decide if I need to run. I can decide if I can slow down,
I can do that because it's reversible, and I can get a functional form out.
So that way you can have an idea if, oh, I do really understand this but I'm a little bit slow, maybe I need to practice this one type of problem a little bit longer so I can get up to speed so I'm going to be able to get through all this in terms of the exam time.
I can deal with it. I can handle it.