Well, I guess it's the problem that people who teach the eighteenth-century novel always have, or the Victorian novel: the Victorian novel like the triple-decker, the three-volume novel.
I guess I don't real, I didn't realize how great it was, um, to live there until I left.
Well I guess I thought we could be more collusive and kind of work together, but I guess not.
So you throw your hands up and you say, "Oh, I guess I don't know what it's like."
The risk is that global warming will make hurricanes more common and I guess I'll have to--I'll just conclude that.
Take the yolks and mix them in with the sugar and water No. Sugar and flour I guess is probably what I want, sugar and water is not going to do anything interesting for me here mix them into something else.
I've never taken a course of philosophy So I'm looking for it and I guess it struk me because I've never learned an art class here so much and I like the elements, images, and fictions of alienation. -OK, I missed a few words.
I mean, this is, I could talk for hours on this, but I guess I'll keep it short.
Here's something else and I guess it's a quiz question I think I'm asking you there, and it has to do about a home pitch.
I guess I don't like them very much."
It's like, "Stop asking about the tent!" because I guess I was whining too much.
Well, I guess I love living in London because of its multicultural facets to it.
I guess I could add that there's a difference between needing something and deserving something.
Now, I guess I'm out of time. So, I'll pick up the story next time with the story about this heroic ethic and the impact that it has on Greek society.
So I guess in terms of material, I love things that are unexpected in that
PROFESSOR: 1. So, I tricked you a little, I guess I didn't put an s up there and that's what we had been talking about, so that was probably the issue.