i If I'm going to keep that item, item i, if I'm going to take it, I give it a 1.
I guess, I, I think the reason I did is because about the time to do it is college, I think.
So I introduced Hirsch in that context, and now I want to go back to him a little bit and I want to work with two passages which I have sent you all in e-mail-form and which I have neglected to put on the board, but they're so short I don't think that will be necessary.
I don't really care what key he's in 'cause I don't have absolute pitch, but I can find well, maybe it's a I,VI,IV,V,I chord progression or a I, I IV V I V,I progression or I,IV,V,I.
The last thing I want to point out to you is, I started out with this list. I haven't added anything to the list, right? I mean I've got a different kind of looping mechanism.
That didn't happen to me -- once I got into the lab, I didn't want to leave. So, I thought, "You know what, I think I'll change the medical school plans and now I'm going to go all the way -- chemistry major, chemistry grad school."
Be honest I mean, I wish I had, or if I was going to go in another field I wish I have taken more environmental science classes.
So what I'm doing here is I'm cooling, and then when I'm sitting at a fixed volume and I'm increasing the pressure, what am I doing? I'm heating, right?
Reading that comment that I'm sure I made, I realized what I probably should have said is that "I wasn't as prepared to teach them and as ready to encounter their difference as I probably should have been."
Because it's possible,logically speaking, that there could be cases in which I survive, but I don't have what I normally have when I survive, and so I don't have what matters.
And if I chose 2 against 3, what do I get? I get 20, I get all the people at 1 and I get all the people 2, so I get 20%, so we're okay again.
So, give me two more minutes, I'm going to end, and a few of you, faces, I've heard this before, people that I know; but, I guess one reason why I'm in history--well, because I read a book a long time ago.
I read The Wall Street Journal every morning and I worry about the credit crisis, and I worry about credit cards, and I worry about auto loans, and I worry about corporate loans, and I worry about the solvency of the banking system, and then I go to work and I try and find the best opportunities that I possibly can.
Because I stand up here and I talk about the one or more than one thing I know about and so it's easy to infer that I must know a lot but in fact by the time this semester ends I will have tell you told you everything I know.
This is a first person sentence that can be translated, "I am who I am," or perhaps, "I will be who I will be," or perhaps, "I cause to be what I cause to be."
I was an undergraduate here in 1995 as a freshman, I came in thinking I was going to major in government and sure enough I started off on the track; I'd like history, I'd like government, English, these kinds of things in high school.