I know that you are a judge down here and much respected. So, looks like you've beaten the rap."
I know that you enjoyed the show and we hope that you come again next week.
Common knowledge is: "I know something, you know it, you know that I know it, I know that you know it, I know that you know that I know it, etc., etc. etc.: an infinite sequence.
I know they have said that, you know, after we declared our surge policy that they will send more troops.
I know that you're going to do a great job on this part. You are brilliant.
I know that you have just graduated. So do you feel happy now?
I know that you're trying,
I think you should take the lab sometime, but I don't know how many semesters that you have to take.
I know they might have told you that when you came, but you've learned differently,haven't you?
Well let's see. My fall back is, I could just do linear search, walk down the list one at a time, just comparing those things. OK. So that's sort of my base. But what if I wanted, you know, how do I want to get to that sorted list? All right?
I assume that you know nothing, starting from ground zero here and build it up.
And she just shook her head and she said, "Peter, Peter, Peter. You know that effect only works " if I think you're competent first."
For example, let me tell you something I know that's going to shock you.
I argue that, you know what?
This is a picture that I showed you before, but basically tells you something that you already know, that humans are made up of organ systems, organs and organ systems, those organs are composed of tissues.
I would be careful and not have all your money invested in stocks. I would look at a lot of these distressed debt--some of the distressed debt that has gone down. I don't know if you understand that but some of the debt that--even bank debt, which is the highest level, I think, has become very cheap.