What I'd like to do today is to introduce myself, introduce the subject, introduce my plans.
not many really people, like, naturally think like, "I want to be a filmmaker. That's just what I want to do."
You know, if I had like shells and peas here I could make some more money. What do I do?
What I want to do is I want to draw a picture, a little bit like we did for the partnership game.
What I'd like to do is suggest to you that if you still haven't determined on a paper topic, you might very well consider this one.
If you want to know something like when do you hit the ground, I think it's fairly clear what you have to do.
Well, one thing that a literary argument can do is take something small like this and try to give an account for it, so that's what I'm going to do.
So here, what I'd like you to do is identify the correct radial probability distribution plot for a 5 s orbital, and also make sure that it matches up with the right number of radial nodes that you would expect.
So you don't pick up a document that has a whole lot of Greek, or what looks like Greek to you and wonder "Where do I even begin?"
What I'd like to do--and this will be the first time I've the clicker thing in the class so let's try out this little quiz and see how it works.
Well,what I'd like to do now is move here to a couple of additional pieces, and we're going to use an example of pop music now with a three-chord chord progression.
So-- if you don't feel comfortable doing it, don't do it-- what I'd like to do now is as following: Take your thumb and your middle finger and create as much as possible a 90 degree angle.
.. I guess, unfortunately, it is for... there needs to be a number put somewhere, like, I'm not sure what that number would be, but I do agree that there could possibly be a number put on the human life.
Whereas in undergrad, I felt like, you're kind of, there was more freedom to do what you wanted,
And then, so OK so we have all these people then, like how do you come watch what they're doing and I'm not trying to control too much what they're doing.
I don't think that's gonna happen. What I really do hope is books like this and other actors coming to help religion and rights to be reconcile in a positive way. I don't think that's impossible at all.
So, what kind of--I don't want to give everything away-- but what kind of themes do we have in a course like this, what have I forgotten about? Oh me.
What I'd like to do today is talk to you about how it is that we moved from this old model to what it is that today many institutions call the Yale model.
Going forward I like to talk with you about health reforms Talk about two aspects of reform one what do you think are the most important reforms that we as a nation need Secondly what is politically and socially feasible doable, achievable?
Just looking around, I like the...how you walk up in a circular...what do they call, the rotunda.
Rather then drawing two different tables like this, what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the second table and super-impose it on top of the first table.
Thank you. I just feel like in the situation that desperate, you have to do what you have to do to survive.
There are so many other constructs like loops and conditions and such, so what I thought we do in conclusion today is look at this program.
Now what I'd like to do, every time I find a divisor I'd like to gather it together. So I'm going to create a tuple of one element, the value of i.
Everybody's got the sheet there and what I would like to do is just have everyone, all of this--We'll just sing "La" Here. We won't sing the text.