And give yourself the chance to fall in love with it the way that I did.
I love to bake so anything with fruits that I can , like pies now because it's getting cooler.
I don't recall having shared my love of pizza with you before, but there it is--two favorite things I love--love pizza, delicious, love chocolate, delicious.
If I want to persuade you that I love you, would never leave you, you can trust me with everything, it may be a superb tactic for me to believe it.
I don't know who came up with this statistic but I love it: nearly three out of every five lines in Paradise Lost are enjambed - they embrace the practice of enjambment. The meaning or the sense of a verse paragraph is diffused throughout a series of lines.
But once I saw the heart of the city, I fell in love with it.
and they reply in German, "Yes, I'm French," that doesn't--language doesn't necessarily tell you how people feel about their identity. Some sage once said, I don't know who it was, but I love this expression, that a language is a dialect with a powerful army.
and I just totally fell in love with it here, and other schools...
So I became involved there and just fell in love with it.