This needs to be stressed that this is the ideal gas case. Now regular gases, real gases fortunately as I said, don't obey this.
and I don't know how much I've said so far but, yeah, totally different than here,
For example,I said,Colossians I don't think is written by Paul, but by a disciple of Paul,maybe after his death.
When I said in Week One that you don't actually have zeros and ones inside this header file; right?
I don't know. Does anybody--It has been-- The colleague answered and said that it's not as effective as other methods.
Please don't go away thinking that what I just said is, here's a new argument for the soul.
A few children went home and said, "I'm going to Japan tomorrow, but you don't need to worry, mom, 'cause I'm going to be home at 8 o'clock at night".
I said, well, let's do something on, I don't know, pick a topic.
And,as Chateaubriand said,the writer, "I don't know what we must believe but we must believe in something," and he gets down on his knees and prays.
The dentist said gee I don't know I'll look at my records.
Some people said of him in real life he had a little button nose. I don't know from some pictures of the look, if they were without make-up.
There are lots of things to be said against it, on the other hand, which I don't want to pause over now because I think a course of lectures on literary theory will inevitably show the ways in which paraphrase is inadequate to the task of rigorous interpretation.
In other words, as the judge said, what's always moral isn't necessarily against the law and while I don't think that necessity justifies theft or murder or any illegal act, at some point your degree of necessity does, in fact, exonerate you from any guilt.
Michael Phelps, now that he's won all those gold medals, I hear is on Wheaties and somebo dy said Frosted Flakes, but I don't know if that's true.
Haze Enoch kept skipping steps Enoch "I been here two months," he said, "and I don't know nobody.
I don't understand why he broke up with you, he said he loves you.
I don't know this but I'll bet Benjamin Franklin said this.
Saed," I said, "don't take Arabic."
And she said, " "I don't think I've felt this way in a very long time."