It's one that is maybe initially counterintuitive but actually, I think, is rather important once you begin to think about it.
I think there're a lot of people just enjoying the sunshine maybe with their tops off, not doing very much,
For example,I said,Colossians I don't think is written by Paul, but by a disciple of Paul,maybe after his death.
Finally I'll just draw your attention to some interesting details that you can think about and maybe talk about in section.
I think religions would say that all people have a spiritual equality or maybe only the certain members, only all members of their religious community.
This is a point that is often confusing, because you can think, well maybe I could calculate what the internal pressure is even for this very rapid process.
We could also, I think, well, maybe this isn't written out in terms of that convention, which sometimes it's not, so let's also try writing it, such that we have the hydrogen and the oxygen atom there.
- Well-- -- I'm-- maybe-- I'm sorry, maybe-- -- No, no, no, no. I-- I think-- -- That's not a-- I-- I think the Bubble Sort would be the wrong way to go.
I think that we are in a difficult situation but maybe let's not panic about it.
I think with all the problems in here and what's going on there, maybe the short sides of 10 years is what we looking at.
Who knows? Maybe we'll try on some other occasion, but for the moment I think you can see that in making remarks of this kind about a text one has shifted the attention from meaning to structure.
Maybe they are exaggerations and I think to some degree they are but it's revealing that both of these very serious readers of Machiavelli took him to be an apostle of freedom.
I think maybe Plato could say that.
They just throw it out. They know what they mean I think I understand, but they don't do anything with it Whereas Cocteau, writes dozes, maybe in total, a couple of a hundred pages along those lines.
I think I could maybe afford a front door if I work really hard for the rest of my life.
I think it's important for the children to really become involved in things that maybe important to them.
One other thing I think that's really, maybe it's a small thing, there's one other glaring thing here.
And by the 1820s and 1830s the American South became what I think you could safely say was the fifth slave society in human history; maybe the sixth. This is debatable.