So when I expand this gas adiabatically and it cools down, why do you think it might cool down?
And I think too, a really good exercise if you wanted to do is, if you have a dictionary,
And, I am curious that how much do you think Israeli-Palestinian conflict has to do with religion, and how much has to do with politics?
Here's something else and I guess it's a quiz question I think I'm asking you there, and it has to do about a home pitch.
I do think you'll have to walk and talk if you are teaching something.
I've simply added this one extra constraint, nice thing about thinking about it this way is it's easy to think about it, and what do you think I'll have to do if I want to go change the code?
Like that... I you think...I mean... Would this hurt outsourcing and ? trade in services between United States and India, or is this outsourcing going to ? continue and accelarate, regardless?
There are coffee machines and there are lounge sofas and everything else. There are computers, there are printers, so it's a good lounge, and I think if you go there one day a week to do your problem sets, or more often, that's a good meeting place,I recommend that.
And it's pretty expensive to do so because I think they know you need to do it.
And then I ask you do you think this's the same train as the train we pointed to before.
I don't think people vary about the feelings of I do something for you and then you don't you don't do something for me.
We have many billionaires in this country and I think that the only thing you have to do with it is philanthropy. They have to give it away because they are essentially satiated.
And just when you wake up, think, "Right, what do I want to wear today?"
And actually on terms of the dollar, I think you gotta be concerned about the dollar. -You do Dollar is our currency.
and you know, you are pretty smart, I think you will do well.
Perhaps you ought to reexamine your religious values to see if they meet your needs in life. A religious experience can be a beautiful addition to living, if you put it in the proper perspective and do not let it-- I think it's "warp," "warp you."] Read some books on ethical culture."
I have taken at least 40, I think, myself. And that's the best thing that you can do.
And yeah, I know you know how to do it, but let's think about what might happen if I wanted to do that.
Last attempt,I'm going to, after I drive you crazy and make you think you're Linda, I'm going to do the corresponding thing for Linda.
And you think that's because our constitution that protects it? I mean do you think... I think to a very considerable extent, it is.
I think that what you have to do as a young person is develop your human capital and that means knowing how to do things.
我认为作为一个年轻人 你们应该做的,是发展你们的人力资本,而这意味着你们要知道怎样做事情
And I was wondering just by way of introduction how do you think that conversation is best carried out, how does the office of campus life and it includes civic engagement, it includes athletics, it includes healthiness, -Yes.
OK, so how can I code this up? Well, you might think, let's just jump in and write some code, I don't want to quite do that though, because I want to show you another tool that's valuable for thinking about how to structure the code, and that is a something called a flow chart. Now.
And so you--of course, if you do disagree I think you're mistaken, so I'll think of you as denying the facts, but all right, that's a possibility.