Now I try that on my students, and invariably they say "Well, of course you've got to save the child.
I try to come to the park early, you know, get some exercise and get a nice walk and some air.
So if I try to apply the same logic, well how can I divide and conquer this problem.
When I try and evaluate that expression of greater than, is going to go into the class to say greater than is a comp method.
He says--and here's that Yeatsian word "all" again--he says: When I try to put all into a phrase I say, "Man can embody truth but he cannot know it."
When I try to get you to grasp how physicalist think about the mind, I use examples about computers and robots and the like.
So I try to keep that connection.
I try to like distance myself, go take a walk around the dorm, talk to other people,
So if I try to rotate my 2 atoms, you see that I have to break that pi bond, because they need to be lined up so that the electron density can overlap.
But I try to talk about it a little bit more in some of my recent work.
I try to live by that on a daily basis.
I try to lead a normal life." It's sort of funny.
I read The Wall Street Journal every morning and I worry about the credit crisis, and I worry about credit cards, and I worry about auto loans, and I worry about corporate loans, and I worry about the solvency of the banking system, and then I go to work and I try and find the best opportunities that I possibly can.
I try to look on the bright side. I try to not be a downer.
And I try to transfer that work ethic and demonstrate it to others
I try to get by with what I receive and what I earn.