Okay, quickly I'm going to ask you to turn to the very beginning of Lycidas, page 120 in the Hughes.
Good, because otherwise I'd have to ask you to turn around.
Maybe I made a big mistake by likening it to an organic chemistry course-- I don't mean to turn you off.
Now at first glance...and in fact, I think, at second glance it's going to turn out to be true-- you might think that the answer to this question would depend on two basic issues.
And so I'm going to ask you to turn back to Ad Patrem.
If you decide to opt in by a pass fail, I just need to sign your white study card or if you wanna decide before the 5th Monday, just grab the pink slip and I can sign that and you can turn that in at any point and I'm happy to chat during break today or after class if you have any questions or concerns.
So, what I'd like people to do If you're sitting next to somebody, please turn around and find someone next to you and look at them.
For those of you here for the first time, I mentioned that the first time you'll actually have an assignment that you'll have to turn in, will be next week.
You can turn to your friend at the movie theater and say, "I can't help but cry."
你可以跟在电影院的朋友说,“I can't help but cry.”
All right, so that will now allow you to turn the page, I think, and we can take a look at the probability.
So, the parody is of something very close to home. And this poem that I've given you will come back on page 134. You don't have to turn to that now, but you should think about that return.
Maybe I ought to just give you a chance before I turn to the next question to ask any questions that still are not clear for you about this phenomenon of colonization.
There are some passages in Areopagitica that I would be remiss to overlook, so I'm going to ask you to turn to page 739 in the Hughes.
And I want to stop at this point to go back to the issue -I promised you I would turn a bit to sign language and I want to describe now a very elegant --I want to show a little film now of a very elegant series of experiments looking at the question of whether babies who are exposed to a sign language, babble.
Because this is one of the most famous passages in the treatise, and it's not one that we actually looked at for Mammon himself, I'm going to ask you to turn to Areopagitica.
Now, I've talked to you essentially about the economic aspect of this phenomenon and I'd like to turn next-- give me a second here I just want to find out where I am in this.